Becoming a Python Coder in 4 Days: Mastering the Initial Steps

Gauri wankhade
4 min readJul 28, 2023

Ready to take your first steps into the world of Python coding? In just four days, we’ll guide you through mastering the initial steps to become a Python coder! 🚀💻

Day 1: Introduction to Python

On day one, understand the basics of writing programs, how to structure code, and the magic of Python syntax. We’ll lay the foundation for your coding journey.

Day 2: Choosing the Right Tools

On Day 2 of your journey to becoming a Python coder, you will be focusing on choosing the right tools to enhance your coding experience. As a Python coder, having the right tools can significantly impact your productivity and efficiency. We will explore three essential tools that every Python coder should be familiar with:
1. Text Editors: A text editor is a lightweight tool that allows you to write and edit code. Examples of popular text editors include Sublime Text, Atom, and Visual Studio Code (VSCode).
2. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): An IDE is a comprehensive coding environment that includes a text editor, a debugger, and various tools to streamline the development process. IDEs are excellent for larger projects and offer features like code auto-completion, code refactoring, and easy project management. Examples of popular Python IDEs are PyCharm, Visual Studio Code (with Python extension), and Spyder.
3. Jupyter Notebook: Jupyter Notebook is perfect for experimenting with code and visualizing data in an interactive manner. It’s widely used in data analysis, scientific research, and machine learning projects.

The choice of your coding environment depends on your preferences and the nature of your projects. Text editors are great for small scripts and quick edits, while IDEs offer a more robust set of features for larger projects. Jupyter Notebook, on the other hand, is perfect for data exploration and presenting your analysis in a more visual and interactive way.
Explore these tools, try them out, and see which one aligns best with your coding style and project requirements. Remember, the right tools can make your coding journey more enjoyable and efficient, enabling you to focus on unleashing your creativity and solving exciting coding challenges.

Day 3: Python Installation Made Easy

Today, we’ll set up your Python environment so you can start coding! 🐍💻

1. Download Python: Go to, download the latest version, and run the installer.

2. Installation: Follow the wizard’s instructions. Enable “Add Python to PATH” for easy command line access.

3. Verify: Open the command prompt/terminal and type `python — version` to check if Python is installed.

4. Optional: Install pip, Python’s package manager, to easily add libraries.

5. Explore Interactive Mode: Type `python` in the prompt/terminal to experiment with code interactively.

You’re now ready to unleash your coding skills! 🚀 Keep practicing and stay curious as you delve into Python’s world of possibilities.

Day 4: Writing Your First Program

The moment you’ve been waiting for has arrived! Today, you’ll write your very first Python program and take your coding skills to new heights. 🚀🐍

Let’s Create a Personalized Greeting!

# Get user input for name and age
name = input("What's your name? ")
age = int(input("How old are you? "))

# Calculate the year of birth
current_year = 2023
year_of_birth = current_year - age

# Print a personalised greeting
print(f"Hello, {name}! You were born in {year_of_birth}.")

How It Works:

1. We use `input()` to ask the user for their name and age.
2. `int()` converts the age input to an integer since it’s initially stored as a string.
3. We calculate the year of birth by subtracting the age from the current year (2023 in this case).
4. Using an f-string (`f”…”`), we print a personalised greeting containing the user’s name and year of birth.

Try It Out!

1. Open your text editor or IDE.
2. Copy the code above into a new Python file.
3. Run the program and enter your name and age when prompted.

Conclusion: Empowered to Code

Congratulations on writing your first Python program! 🎉 You’ve mastered the initial steps and created a personalised greeting program. With this foundation, you’re now empowered to explore more exciting projects, build applications, and solve real-world problems using Python.

Take Your Learning Further with SkillCaptain

If you’re eager to dive deeper into Python and continue honing your coding skills, consider joining SkillCaptain. Skillcaptain offers a comprehensive course designed to introduce you to the world of programming using Python. Whether you have no prior coding experience or are looking to transition into Python from another language, this course is the perfect starting point.

Throughout this beginner-friendly course, you will be guided step-by-step by experienced instructors who understand the challenges newcomers face. We will begin with an introduction to programming concepts and Python’s syntax, ensuring a solid foundation for your coding journey. Through hands-on exercises and coding examples, you will gain practical experience in applying these concepts, reinforcing your learning along the way.

Happy learning! 💻✨

About the Author

Gauri wankhade, an engineer and coding enthusiast, is eager to continue guiding you on your coding journey. Stay tuned for more adventures and discoveries!

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